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His Forbidden Mate Page 5

  “Adam!” she screamed out.


  “Bite me,” Hannah panted out, and Adam nearly choked when his wolf reared up and he almost lost his skin. His fangs pulsed, and he couldn’t stop them from lengthening at her words. Adam looked down at his mate in disbelief and slowed his thrusts to a stop.

  “What did you say?” He tried to process what she’d said and held still inside of her. She looked him straight in the eye.

  “Bite me.”

  His balls tightened, and he tried not to come. “Why would you say that?” he gritted out. “You don’t know what you’re saying.” He hadn’t intended on giving her the claiming mark tonight. He thought she needed more time, but she shook her head and furrowed her brows.

  “I don’t know? There’s something inside of me, saying to let you bite me,” she explained.

  He groaned and his hips spasmed. He thrust once before he was able to gain control and hold still again. “If I do you’re mine, forever. Do you understand, Hannah? You’ll be my mate,” he panted out, and his grip on her tightened as he fought with is wolf.

  “I already am.” She turned her head and bared her throat for him.

  Adam roared out and thrust. He’d finally lost control. Adam let his wolf take over as he leaned down and sank his fangs into her bared neck, binding them together, forever.

  “Adam!” She grunted out his name, and she came hard all over his cock in a gush of wetness.

  Her muscles squeezed his own rapture from him, and he felt his cum shoot deep into his mate’s womb with gut-wrenching squirts of ecstasy. His breath was fast and heavy, and he growled against her skin before he released her from his bite. He licked and kissed his claiming mark and blinked back tears when looked down at his mate, his wife.

  “Do you feel it?” he whispered.

  He was overcome with emotion and closed his eyes when she reached up and touched his cheek. He didn’t try to stop the tears that fell as he leaned into her touch. He had his Hannah back.

  “Yes, I feel it.” She gently wiped his cheek with her thumb before she pulled him down and kissed him.

  “Mine.” He and his wolf growled against her lips.

  “And you’re mine,” she said.

  When she claimed him back it sent a jolt of pleasure straight through his middle. Adam grinned when her blue eyes widened, his cock pulsing and hardening inside of her. His balls tingled as he readied to take her again until he saw the small cringe in her eyes when he moved.

  “I should have been gentler. Are you okay?”

  Hannah nodded. “You were perfect.”

  “I know that, but are you okay? Do you hurt?”

  “Adam!” She laughed and swatted at his chest before her smile turned shy. “Maybe a little sore, but it still feels really good,” she assured him, but he shook his head.

  “I need to let you heal before we do this again. I don’t want you hurting at all.” He gently pulled himself out of her. “Don’t move. I’ll take care of you.”


  Adam returned moments later with a wet cloth, and Hannah’s heart swelled with love as he wiped her sensitive skin with gentle care before he dimmed the lights and crawled in bed beside her. He pulled her close so her back was pressed up against his naked front.

  “Is that you?” She touched her chest.

  “Yes, I can feel you, too.” He reached over and took her hand in his, lacing their fingers together. “We’re connected now, bonded, and we’ll feel each other’s strongest emotions.” He lifted her hand and kissed it. “It’s a part of being mated to a shifter.”

  “I like that,” she told him, and she did. They had something special. “Will I turn into a wolf?”

  He shook his head. “No, as far as I know you have to be born a shifter. I’ve never met a turned one before.”

  “Okay.” She felt relieved and disappointed. While she wasn’t sure wanted to become a wolf, she wanted him to be happy. “Are you sure your wolf’s not upset I’m not a wolf?” She glanced over her shoulder, and his blue eyes flashed yellow.

  “Stop it. I can feel you upsetting yourself.” He hugged her, and warmth spread in her chest. “Hannah Bobannah, it doesn’t matter to me if you’re a shifter or not. All that matters to me is you are you, and you are mine.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Is your dad coming for us?” she whispered into the darkness, and his chest swelled behind her before he released his breath on a loud sigh.


  “What do you need me to do?” she asked. She wasn’t sure what she could do, but she wanted to help him.

  “Nothing, Hannah. I want you to stay safe,” he grumbled.

  “I want you safe, too, Adam,” She was startled when a phone on the nightstand vibrated. Adam reached over her and grabbed it.

  “How long?” was all he asked before he hung up and rolled out of the bed. He picked up her dress and put it right side out before he handed it to her.

  “They’re coming.”

  Hannah quickly pulled it on and stared at his naked backside as he peeked out of the curtains.

  “Aren’t you getting dressed?” she asked.

  “No.” He shook his head. “I was hoping he would just leave us alone, but he won't, Hannah. He’ll never let this go. Not unless I make him. I’m going to have to shift this time. I’m going to challenge his wolf.”

  A howl rang out, and she jumped. Even though they were expected, it still startled her. “Adam?” She tried not to cry, but the heavy weight that Adam carried inside him was an ache in her chest. So many emotions warred within him that she felt paralyzed. She’d forgotten to breathe until his large hands cupped her cheeks and raised her face so her eyes were level with his.

  “Sh. It’s okay, baby. I’ll be okay. I can beat him. I will beat him.” His yellow eyes blazed as he promised her.

  “Adam!” His father’s baritone voice rang out.

  “Stay inside and stay away from the windows.” He gave her a chaste kiss before he turned and opened the door.


  Hannah was so afraid she was going to lose Adam. Her heart beat wildly as she thought of Adam having to fight his father. She really didn’t understand why anyone had to fight to begin with. Why wouldn’t Mr. Atwood just go away? Hannah heard a commotion and a voice cry out that made time freeze and her heart stop in her chest.

  “What's going on? Who are you people? Adam Atwood? Bill Atwood? Why are you both naked? What in the hell is going on here?” The voice of Stephanie Martin, Hannah’s mother, was angry before she yelped out in pain. Oh my God! Hannah rushed out of the cabin, but Adam stopped her from running off the porch.

  “Hannah!” Her mom looked shocked to see her and struggled against her captor’s hold.

  “Mom!” Hannah tried to swallow the lump in her throat and tried not to cry when her mom’s face started to swell. One of these bastards had hit her mom hard.

  “What the fuck, Dad?” Adam growled at his father. “Are you okay, Ms. Martin?”

  “I’d be a lot better if these assholes would let me go,” Stephanie answered and then yelped out again when the man twisted her arm behind her back.

  “Stop it!” Hannah cried out, and Adam’s father grinned, putting his hands up in a placating gesture.

  Hannah had never wanted to hit someone more in her entire life. Mr. Atwood opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter a word, a bear’s angry roar echoed through the trees. Hannah had never heard anything like it, and she hoped it was one of the Brune brothers because it was the scariest sound she’d ever heard in real life.

  Heavy paws pounded the dirt, and Mr. Atwood’s face paled. The Hillbrooke pack took a step back and faltered when something big crashed through the forest. Hannah inanely remembered that scene from the movie Jurassic Park before a massive grizzly bear barreled out of the woods and ran straight for her mom.

  Hannah could see the fear in her mom’s eyes and without thinking, took a step forward only to b
e yanked back by Adam’s strong arms. Hannah reached out for her mom, but the massive bear was already upon her. He reared up on his hind legs and roared again. Hannah was overcome with helpless horror as the man who held her mom pushed her into the bear. She bounced harmlessly off thick fur before falling to the ground. The massive beast slowly returned to all fours and stood protectively over her, and Stephanie stared wide-eyed up at the bear, which luckily only had eyes for her captor.

  “It’s okay, Ms. Martin. He won’t hurt you,” Adam called out.

  Hannah’s mom just shook her head. Her face said Adam was crazy before she returned her attention back to the bear standing above her. Bill Atwood and the Hillbrooke pack watched the bear warily.

  “Adam, are you ready to finish this?” John asked.

  The rest of the Deliverance pack stood by in their human forms. The only one missing was Kieran, so Hannah guessed he was the bear.

  “Bill Atwood, I challenge you!” Adam called out, and Hannah tugged on his arm.

  “Accepted!” his father answered.

  “I have to do this,” Adam told her.

  “I know. I know. I just wanted to say to kick him in the nards.” His brows lifted, and his worried expression slowly turned into a wry grin.

  “Wolf men do in fact have nards,” he whispered, and she grinned.

  “I guess you would know, wouldn’t you? I love you,” she said, and he let out a small chuckle.

  “I love you, too, and now I’m going to make sure we can love each other in peace,” he declared before he released her and walked down the porch steps towards his father.

  “Fucking disgusting. What happened to you, boy? I know I raised you better than to take on such a weak mate.” Bill shook his head as if he didn’t understand.

  Adam guessed he really didn’t understand. Adam could tell his parents hadn’t had the same connection that he and Hannah had now. He remembered how sad his mom always was, which made Adam even angrier. His father’s eyes grew wide with surprise when Adam failed to respond to his insults and instead advanced on him. As far as Adam was concerned the time for words was over; the time for action was now. Adam let his wolf out of his cage.


  Hannah was amazed when the air around Adam seemed to bend and warp. All of a sudden, a huge gray wolf stood where Adam had just been.

  “So be it,” Mr. Atwood said ominously before he also shifted into his wolf.

  Hannah could hardly believe her eyes, but she knew what she’d just witnessed was real. She glanced at her mom, who was taking this all in with wide-eyed and opened-mouth shock. She was still pinned down by Kieran, who wasn’t letting anyone near her. Hannah felt her mom was safe enough and focused her attention on Adam. The two packs, save for Kieran, started to move in closer to the fight, and she worried as the two wolves snarled and snapped as they circled each other.

  Without further preamble the two wolves collided in a flash of fur and teeth. It happened so fast Hannah wasn’t sure who struck first. Even though they had similar gray fur, Adam’s larger wolf was easy to distinguish from his father. She’d know her mate in any form. He was in her soul. Even now, his worry, his anger, his fear were on edge of her consciousness. She willed her mate her love. She imagined their future together, their faceless children, and tried to feel their connection. Hannah was startled when a hand gently grabbed her bicep and held her back. She hadn’t realized she’d moved closer to the fight. Hannah couldn’t look away from the carnage in front of her, but she knew it was John who stood beside her.

  “John?” She sobbed and hoped he was about to intervene as the two wolves tore each other apart. Both had severe wounds and were bleeding heavily.

  “I’m sorry, little one. One of them has to finish this in a fair fight.” John’s eyes stayed on the fight in front of them even as he held her back.

  The tears that had welled in her eyes spilled over as Adam continued to sustain injury after injury. Her breath caught in her throat, and she pulled against John’s hold. Adam’s wolf had pinned down his father. Hannah held her breath and waited. Mr. Atwood’s wolf struggled, but to her immense relief he stayed pinned, but still no one intervened.

  “His wolf has to submit, but he’s being a stubborn asshole. Don’t worry, victory is imminent. Your man won. This is just a formality at this point.”

  Hannah thought she must have missed whatever the signal was, because Adam suddenly released him from his hold. His father’s wolf stayed down on his belly and hobbled backwards in what Hannah could only assume was a show of full submission. Adam’s wolf was breathing hard and his wounds bled, but he looked regal as he stood above his father. The air shifted and warped, and a moment later a very naked and blood covered Adam stood before them. He turned to face his father and former pack.

  “I forfeit my claim as Alpha of the Hillbrooke pack. I don’t want it. I never did.”

  There were gasps from the Hillbrooke pack, but Adam continued.

  “My home is here now. I’m Deliverance pack.” Adam gestured towards his father, who still cowered on his belly. “You helped create him, so he’s your mess to clean up.”

  Mr. Atwood snarled and growled before he leapt forward. Hannah froze when he ran full speed toward her with his fangs bared. All she could see were his long sharp teeth and snapping jaw. Suddenly there was a blur of grey as two wolves flipped over one another. And then it was over. Adam’s wolf stood, chest heaving, over his father’s still form.

  John released her arm. “Well, I can safely say it’s definitely over now.”

  Hannah rushed to her mate.

  “Adam, are you okay?”

  The air bent and warped, and Adam stood before her. Hannah used her skirt to wipe at some of the blood. When it wiped away the skin had already started to heal and the wounds no longer bled. Adam pulled her close and kissed the top of her head.

  “He’ll never hurt us again.,” he whispered. “I’ve never been better, babe,” he said louder, and she could feel his happiness.

  One by one the Hillbrooke pack came forward to shake Adam’s hand and wish him well.

  “Good luck, Adam. We’ll be in touch,” one of the Hillbrooke pack told him, and Hannah hoped it wasn’t anytime soon as they all disappeared into the surrounding woods.

  Chapter Ten

  “Hannah?” Hannah’s mom called out, and Hannah rushed forward while Adam kept pace beside her.


  Kieran had shifted back into his human form and stood beside her shell-shocked mom. The bear shifter towered over everyone and held Stephanie close to his side. She tried to sidestep Kieran’s arm, but he just followed and kept his arm around her waist. When her mom realized he wasn’t going to let her go, she seemed to give up and stood stiffly within his embrace.

  “Hannah, why won’t this bear man let me go?” Stephanie rolled her eyes to the right to indicate she spoke of Kieran, as if Hannah could miss the very naked and very aroused almost seven-foot tall man beside her.

  “I can hear you,” Kieran said.

  Hannah wrapped her arms around her mom as best she could with Kieran also in the embrace and hugged her tight.

  “Then why aren't you letting me go?” Stephanie asked Kieran, and she tried to tug away, but he just gently pulled her back to him.

  “So I can keep you safe,” he growled.

  “Are we still in danger?” she asked, her head darting around.

  “Not with me here,” he said, and her mom frowned at that.

  “Mom, we need to get you some ice. Your eye is swelling,” Hannah said.

  Her mom raised her hand to her face and froze when a deep growl emanated right next to her. Kieran’s hand was huge when he touched her chin and gently tipped her mom’s face up to look up at him.

  “Did that fucker who pissed himself hit you?” Kieran growled out and gently touched her mom’s face. “Kellan, ice!” Kieran snapped out, and both Hannah and her mom jumped.

  Her mom nodded. “I fought back when they
took me from my friend’s house.” Stephanie’s eyes grew wide when Kieran’s eyes flashed silver and his fangs grew long and sharp.

  “I should have fucking killed him. I’m going to kill him. I’m going to hunt that fucker down and kill him. No one hits you and lives.” He stepped away from her as if he were about to leave, but her mom reached up and grabbed his bicep with both hands. Hannah liked Kieran, but she wasn’t sure what her mom was thinking when she grabbed at him. His preternatural silver eyes stared down at Stephanie, and Hannah gulped.

  “No, don’t go.” Stephanie seemed surprised by her own words and quickly let go of Kieran’s arm when she realized she held him. He grinned down at her and was completely oblivious to his nudity and erection when he pulled Hannah’s mom close against him again.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t leave you.” He glanced out at the forest but then right back at her mom. Kellan rushed over with a paper towel full of ice cubes, and Kieran accepted them. “Thank you, brother. I’ll take care of you.” He gently batted and avoided her mom’s futile attempts to grab the ice from him until she allowed him to press the ice against her face.

  “Well, well, well. Someone has been busy.” John peered down at Hannah’s neck, and her hand unconsciously moved to where he stared. Remembering the night before, she blushed furiously as the rest of the pack also looked on and grinned at her. Someone whooped.

  “It seems congratulations are in order.” John pulled her into a hug and reached over to shake Adam’s hand.

  “Good thing you guys are in the honeymoon suite,” Bryce teased.

  “You got married without me?” Stephanie exclaimed, eyes filling with tears.

  Kieran's eyes grew wide and flashed silver. “Tell your mom you did not get married.” He growled at them.

  “No, Ms. Martin. Well, I mean I guess we kind of did, I mean we are in the way of shifters, but with your permission, may I ask for your daughter’s hand in human marriage?” Adam asked, and Hannah’s heart sped up. She couldn’t believe this was happening right now.